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Friday, December 6, 2013

Sunshine Exists? (Williamstown Beach)

If anyone else is a Melbourne dweller, you'll know what I mean. The Spring that has just passed was one of the coldest on record, and you wouldn't even know that Summer officially began a week ago. So on the rare occasion that the sun actually shines, and a bit of heat kicks in, getting outside is the only thing on my mind.

This past weekend was one of the blessed days of sunshine. It hit the 30 degree mark, and I even had the slather on a heap of sunscreen and cover my shoulders for fear of burning (note: I am ridiculously pale. Tanning is not something that comes naturally to me). Chris, myself and another friend decided we needed to be outside, preferably at a beach somewhere with an ice cream in hand. Since moving to the city I had yet to visit a local beach, so after a bit of consideration (ie. Googling "Melbourne beaches") we settled on Williamstown.
It was a bit of a train trip from the CBD, but totally worth it.

Aside from the ridiculous amount of children running around and the odd dead giant jellyfish on the sand, it was a beautiful spot. None of us were game enough to go for a swim (honestly, none of us even bought bathers), but we had a stroll around, soaked up the warmth, and enjoyed our much sought after ice cream. I'll definitely be back.

Any other Melbournians out there as over this weather as I am? Or are you lucky enough to be in a place that doesn't experience four seasons in one day?


  1. I've been to the st kilda beach a few times.
    Nothing beats cape Patterson first surf though ;)

    1. Considering I lived in Gippsland my whole childhood, I don't think I ever went to Cape Patterson! I always went to Inverloch haha.

  2. I must be your beach stalker, or perhaps you are mine - I was at Williamstown on Friday with my Division from work, and also grew up going to Inverloch every year. I wonder whether our paths ever crossed?

    I do second Cape Patterson, though - we were never allowed to go into the surf, but the tidal swimming pool was amazing.


    1. Haha that is quite a possibility! It sounds like I better check out Cape Patterson beach next time I am in the area.
